Thursday, September 5, 2024

The family of William A Withers 1840-1912

 Today we're looking at the family of William A Withers, born April 2, 1840 in Richland County, Ohio and died in 1912 in Whitley County, Indiana.  He is the son of Joseph and Mary Gearhart Withers, and a Civil War veteran, having served over three years in some of the most renowned battles of 1862-1864, as a drayman and then an ambulance driver.  His marriage was to Barbara Ellen Cook the daughter of William and Elizabeth Brown Cook, in Whitley County, after the Civil War.  William and Barbara had four known children.  

Wilson was the first born, in 1868.  He died in 1897, before his 29th birthday.  His wife was Catherine Wolfe, the daughter of John and Catherine Eberhard Wolf.  (I'd often wondered, in researching the Whitley County families, if there were connections to the Eberhard family.  Yes, there are.) 

Willie was born next, in 1871. Sadly, that is all the information I can locate about him.  He was apparently deceased by the 1880 census.

William H was born in 1872 and died in 1936.  He married Della Clyde Kemery, the daughter of Adam and Nancy or Fannie Bechtel Kemery.  They had two children, Susan and Goldie.  I will follow this family, briefly, in my next blog post.

Finally, there was Della, born in 1877 and died in 1942.  She married Henry Keiser, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth, known as Bertha, Sell Keiser.  They had two children, Herbert and Archie.

All of these children were born in and died in Whitley County, Indiana.  It is refreshing to find a family that stayed put, for at least two generations!  Unfortunately, they did not leave many records other than census records, but at least we have this much information about one of the hard working families of the time.


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