Thursday, September 12, 2024

The family of William H Withers 1872-1936

 This will be the last post in the short line of the Withers family.  I am still not close to determining the identity of Joseph Withers, the first ancestor I can prove in Pennsylvania.  He had a son William, who married Barbara Cook in Whitley County, Indiana, and William had a son, William, who married Della Kemery, the daughter of Adam and Nancy or Fannie Buchtel Kemery.  

William was born in 1872 and died in 1936 in Whitley County, Indiana. His wife, Della, was born in 1882 and died in 1969, also in Whitley County.  Della is remembered by at least one of her great grandchildren, who recalls that her apartment always smelled of mint.  That was the crop they raised, after the onion market went south.  

William and Della had two known children.  Goldie was born in 1901 and died in 1983 in Andrews, Huntington County, Indiana.  She was married twice. Her first marriage was to Adrian Hawn, the son of Marion and Isabella Bentz Hawn. Adrian served in World War I.  The marriage ran into difficulties and the couple divorced, while Goldie was pregnant with their son Paul.  She married Grover Harshbarger in 1924 and they had one child together, Cleveland.  

Susan, usually seen as Sue or Susie, was born in 1898 and died in 1981.  Her first marriage was to Ward Yant, the son of William and Mary Prosser Yant.  Their children are Ruth, Floyd, and Frederick.  Clarence Yant is sometimes shown as their son, but he was the child of Ward's first marriage.  Sue raised him as her own, but he was a step son.  Warn died in 1941 as a result of septicemia, and Sue then married Charles Mallock, the son of William and Carrie Parrott Mallock. He was also a World War I veteran, and had lived a life of some adventure in the Dakotas.  There were no children born to this marriage.

This gives William and Della a total of five grandchildren, and more great grandchildren, several of whom have grandchildren of their own.  I think they might be pleased with their descendants, who have served in the military and otherwise contributed to their communities.

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