Thursday, October 10, 2024

The family of Robert Amos 1771-1826

 William, James, Robert, and now Robert Amos, again.  This is the fourth generation of men in the Amos/Amoss family.  Robert was born in 1771 in Harford County, Maryland, to Robert and Martha McComas Amos.  He died in Harford County in 1826, probably not far from where he was born, or possibly even the old home place.  It sounds like a dull life, but he grew into a young man during the Revolutionary War, and soldiers likely walked or marched near his home.  He was a member of the militia during the War of 1812, and likely went to Baltimore when the British were very close to capturing it.  So his life was interesting, even if somewhat localized.  He married Elizabeth Amos, his first cousin, in 1792.  She is the daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Bussey Amos, and I will write my next blog post about that family.

Robert and Elizabeth had 10 children together, most of them fairly well documented.  Some stayed in Harford County, some went a bit west to Greene and Allegheny counties in Pennsylvania, to West Virginia, to Ohio,  and some further west yet, to Illinos and Indiana.  

Martha is the first born, in 1792.  She married Peter Black, whose parentage is not established but may be Frederick or Owen Black, or possibly Ulrich Schwartz.  Their children are Frederick, Owen, Elizabeth, Oliver, Cyrus, Davis, Benjamin, Naomi, Peter, and James.  All of this family except Elizabeth moved to Noble County, Indiana, where Martha died in 1872.  

Sarah was born in 1794 and died in 1864 in Greene County, Pennsylvania.  She married Henry (also seen as Harry) Gilbert, probably the son of James and Mary Johnson Gilbert.  Their known children are Elizabeth, Corbin, and Joshua.  

Benjamin was born in 1796 and died in 1880.  He seems to have moved several times in his lifetime, leaving records in Washington, Monroe, and Licking County, Ohio, before settling for his remaining days in what is now Wood County, West Virginia.  He married Susannah Eaton, the daughter of David and Hannah Mantle Eaton.  Let's stop for a moment and bless Susannah's memory, for she is credited with being the mother of at least 14 children.  They are Elizabeth, Robert, Hannah, Corbin, Frederick, Benjamin, Susanna, Amanda, William, Mary, Nancy, John, Sarah, Martha, and possibly (this would make 15 children) James.  James wasn't born until 1875 and it's possible he was a grandson and not a son of the couple.  Benjamin was also in the Maryland militia, serving in the War of 1812.

Mary Ann was born in 1798 and died in 1864 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.  Her first husband was Benjamin Frazier, who died within two years of their marriage.  I've found nothing indicating that they had children together.  She next married John Miller, and they had at least three children-John, Elizabeth, and William.  They may have lived in Rockford, Illinois, where John died in 1840.  Mary didn't remarry after losing her second husband, but lived with son William until her death.  

Elizabeth was born in 1800 and died in 1890 in Baltimore, Maryland.  She married James Logue, who died in 1872 in Baltimore.  I can locate just one child for them, Martha.  I would certainly like to know more about her and her life.  Are we missing some family here?  Were there pregnancies and births we don't know about?

Ellen, sometimes seen as Eleanor, was born in 1806 and died December 4, 1883 in Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois.  Sadly, her death is reported as a suicide caused by insanity.  She first married Elisha Mitchell, and they had a daughter, Eliza.  Elisha died soon after that, and Ellen married William Peters, who was an immigrant from Ireland, possibly the son of Peter Peters.  I have not found any indication that they had children, but he died a year after Ellen, and there is a nice memorial on his grave site in Rockford.  Did they have children who may have contributed to that stone?  I'm not sure Ellen's story is complete.  

James was born in 1808 and died in 1830 in Monroe, Guernsey County, Ohio, or possibly in Monroe County, Ohio.   That is all the information I have found about him.  There are a lot of men named James Amos in the 1830 census and it is possible that one of those men is this James, but I'm not able to state that any of them seem probable.

Corbin was born in 1810 and died in 1883 in Guernsey County, Ohio.  He may have been married twice.  It's confusing because both of the proposed names are Julianna or something close.  His first wife is believed to be Julianna or July McCatherine.  I'm not able to locate any likely families of that name, anywhere Corbin is thought to have lived.  He had at least one child with this wife, Sarah.  In 1864 he married Julia Ann Chalk.  Again, I am unable to find parents for her.  Their children are William and Quintella.  I'd like to know more about his life.

Anna was born in 1816 and died in 1893 in Uniontown, Fayette, Pennsylvania.  She married Thomas B Miller in Boone County, Illinois, but the family was soon in Pennsylvania.  Thomas is the son of John and Rebecca Beeson Miller.  Their children are Mary, Ellen, Eliza, Eva, Julia, Jennie, and possibly Thomas and Anna.  

And finally, there is Robert, who was born in 1818 and died in 1901 in Auglaize County, Ohio.  He married Elizabeth Dye, the daughter of James and Elizabeth (maiden name not known) Dye.  Their children are Amelia, Helen, Francis, Benjamin. Minerva, Elam, James, George, Elizabeth, Corbin, Martha, and Robert.  Some Civil War records show Robert Amos as fighting in the war, but I think this is more likely to be son Robert, although I can't rule this Robert out. He would have been about 44 when the war broke out, and may have volunteered.  

Surely some of the grandchildren of Robert and Elizabeth were in the Civil War.  Perhaps someday someone will be able to research these men more closely, but we can say that this family was a hard working family and mostly lived lengthy lives.  They, too, helped build America as it spread westward. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The family of Robert Amos 1741-1818

There are a lot of men with the surname Amos or Amoss in Harford County, Maryland.  There may be more than one Robert Amos who lived during the time period noted above.  Consequently, I am not 100% sure that each of these occupations applies to our Robert, but it's possible.  He seems to have been a justice of the peace, and quite possibly a tax collector, and perhaps a sheriff.  In 1790, he held 9 slaves.  We accept as fact that he is the son of James and Hannah Clark/Clarke Amos, and that he was born in what was then Baltimore County, Maryland and died in Harford County, Maryland, which was a daughter county of Baltimore.   

Robert married Martha McComas, the daughter of Daniel and Martha Scott McComas.  Together they have at least 10 children, at least some of whom were Quakers.  Some fought in the War of 1812, and some were slaveholders, so I don't think they all stayed in the Quaker faith.  

Daniel is the first born, in 1768. (There may have been an earlier pregnancy, since this is almost three years after his parents married.)  He married Sarah Johnson, the daughter of John and Ann (maiden name not yet found) Johnson.  Their children are John, Robert, Ann, Martha, Daniel, Sarah, Margaret, and Elizabeth.  He died in 1854 in Harford County.

Robert was the next son, born in 1771.  He married Elizabeth Amos, the daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Bussey Amos.  (Some say Benjamin's wife was Sarah Lyon...I'm not yet convinced but want to leave this crumb in case I change my mind.)  Robert and Elizabeth's children are Martha, Sarah, Benjamin, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Ellen, Corbin, and Robert. Robert died in 1826 in Harford County, Maryland.  I'll follow this family in my next blog post.

James was born next, in 1773, and married Sarah Friend Swingley, the daughter of Jacob and Eleanor Prather Friend.  They had at least three children, James, Joshua, and Robert.  Samuel, Rachel, and Barbara appear to be Sarah's children from her first marriage.  James died in 1823 in Washington County, Maryland, having moved west from Harford County.

Aquilla was the next son, born in 1775. and here the trail, if this is the right person, ends.  I show a death date of 1832 for him, with no further details.  This line needs to be researched further.  I am not confident that this was the Aquilla who married Elizabeth Montgomery, but I'll dangle this out here as a possibility.

Martha (finally, a daughter!  How her parents must have rejoiced!) was born in 1778 and married Aquilla McComas, the son of Edward and Sarah Selby McComas.  I have not been able to connect Edward to Martha yet but I have a strong hunch there's a connection, somewhere! Martha and Aquilla had at least two children, Robert and Gabriel.  Martha died in 1858.

Joshua was born in 1780 and was a veteran of the War of 1812.  He married Catherine Hanway, who is a mystery person.  Their children are Martha, Mary, Sarah, Corbin, and Joshua.  Joshua died in 1860 in Harford County.  

Corbin was born in 1784 and died in Baltimore in 1866, having never married.  He was a War of 1812 veteran, and was a physician, having graduated from the University of Maryland College of Medicine in 1812.  He was the last of the siblings to die, and had 24 nephews and nieces, all living at the time of his death.  His estate was valued at $475,000, most of it in personal property rather than real estate.  Was he a collector of some sort?

Benjamin was born in 1786 and died in 1865 in Harford County.  His wife was Sarah Amos, the daughter of Zachariah and Susanna Mitchmer Amos.  Zachariah is a grandson of William Amos, the immigrant, so Benjamin married his second cousin.  Benjamin and Sarah had at least five children-Martha, Zachariah, Robert, Isaac, and James. He was an ensign in the War of 1812, and held slaves as late as 1850.

Gabriel was the next son, born in 1788.  He is another mystery.  I have seen 1818 given as his date of death, and I've found no hint of a marriage record.  Some of the men in this family married in their late twenties so it may well be that he never married.

Elizabeth was born in 1790 and died in 1869, so the information about Corbin being the last of the siblings may not be correct.  She married later in life, at the age of 38, to Ananias Divers, the son of Christopher and Sarah Arnell Divers.  Ananias had at least five children from his previous marriage, but it doesn't appear that Elizabeth had children of her own.  

The number of children I've reported here exceeds the number of nephews and nieces mentioned in Corbin's obituary.  It is possible that the obituary was wrong, and it's also possible that some of the children/grandchildren mentioned here are assigned to the wrong family.  The need for more research continues, but it is evident that the Amos family served their country, raised families, and helped build America in its early years. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The family of James Amos 1721-1805

Much of the Amos family is well-documented.  Some is not.  Some "facts", in fact, seem to have little basis in reality, or are related to different persons of the same name, but in other generations or branches of the family.  I hope I have picked my way through this misinformation, and apologize profusely if I have made an error.  In that case, I will be happy if someone will correct me.

James Amos is the son of immigrant William and Ann probably Maulden Amos.  He was born in 1721 in Baltimore County, Maryland, and died in 1805 in Harford County, Maryland.  Harford County was carved from Baltimore County in 1774 so he actually lived his entire life at pretty much the same location.  We know he was a slaveholder because his father left him a slave in his will, but we don't know how many other slaves he held.  He married Hannah Clarke, the daughter of Robert and Selina (different spellings) Smith Clark.  Together they had at least seven children.  After Hannah died, James married Elizabeth Standiford.  No children are known from that marriage.

Robert was the first born son, in 1741.  He married Martha McComas, the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Hubbert (also seen as Hibbert) McComas.  Their children are Benjamin, David, James, Corbin and Martha.  I have also seen Joshua and Gabriel mentioned as being born before Benjamin, and Aquilla and Robert as born after Martha.  More research needs to be done to document these potential children.

Elizabeth is the only known daughter of James and Hannah.  She was born in 1743 and died in 1805.  Her husband is Edward Norris, the son of James and Hannah Scott Norris.  Their children are Hannah, John, William, Edward, Elizabeth, Susannah, Oliver, Mary, and Ann.  It is possible that Elizabeth had a second marriage, to a William Bull, but I'm not yet convinced of that.

William is one of the mystery sons of this family.  He was born in 1745 and died in 1816.  He married Elizabeth Hugo or Hugon,  whom I can't further identify.  The only child I've found for them is William. This line needs more research.

James was born in 1747 and died in 1811.  He married Catherine Risteau, the daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Raven Risteau.  Their children are Isaac, James, John, David, Abraham, Elizabeth, Susanna, Hannah, Catherine, Sarah, George, William and possibly Joshua.  

A side note here: Of the first four children, we are likely related in some fashion to three of the in-laws mentioned-McComas, Scott, and Raven.  All were early settlers, and we descend from families with each of those surnames in early Baltimore County.  

Benjamin is the next son, born in 1748 and died in or before 1815.  He married Sarah Bussey, the daughter of Edward and Mary (widow Pendergrast) Bussey.  I have seen one tree listing Mary as Mary Hayes, but there was no further information and at this time I can't say that is correct.  Their children are Elizabeth, Ann, James, and Mary.  I will follow this family in my next post.

Mordecai was born in 1753 and died in 1840.  He is a Revolutionary War veteran.  (It's likely that others of these men are also vets, but their are too many men of the same name to be sure.)  He married Martha Richardson, the daughter of William and Mary Davis Richardson.  Their children are Robert, Henry, and John.  

I am including Joshua as a son in this list, because it seems more likely than not that he is the son of James and Hannah.  I am not 100% sure of this, so if there is conflicting information on this Joshua, I'd be glad to consider it.  He was born in 1754 and died about 1800.  His wife's name may or may not be Sarah, and she may or may not be Sarah Bonfield, the daughter of John Bonfield.  Their know children are Joshua and William.

And then, there is the possibility of Ann.  That is all I could find, a name, without even a date of birth.  There are several females named Ann in this family, and it's quite possible that this is actually another Anna, such as the one belonging to Benjamin, above.  At this point, it is only a possibility.  

As far as I could determine, none of these people lived outside of Baltimore/Harford County as they all seem to have died there.  Some are Quakers and some may not be.  But they all stayed close together, and so all these cousins would have known each other, whether close in age or not.  An Amos family reunion would have been enormously fun and enormously confusing! 


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Holbrook line: The family of William Amos 1690-1759

 For this series of posts, I'll be writing about the Amos (Amoss) family of Harford County, Maryland.  William, the son of John and Mary Singer Eme/Eams/Amos, was born in England about 1690 and died in about 1759. His will was dated September 24, 1757 so it could have been a bit earlier than the 1759 date.  I've not found documentation for the actual date of death.  He married Ann Mauldin,the daughter of Frances and Elizabeth (either Mackall or McGill or Gill) Mauldin in January of 1713 in Joppa, Maryland. Some trees give his wife as Ann McComas, but the dates don't seem to work for that (my opinion; others disagree). I'd sure like to get this question settled!

We don't know much about the early circumstances of William, or whether he arrived in Maryland with money, but he soon started acquiring land (by 1715), and owned more than 1000 acres at the time of his death.  Do you see where this is leading?  Yes, William was a slaveholder.  In his will, he leaves 6 named "negro" men, women and boys to his children.  From what I've read, it is likely that these were "house slaves" rather than "field slaves".  6 people would not have been able to maintain a 1000 acre estate, unless William also had leased others, or indentured servants also.  Field slaves were considered personal property, leased slaves or servants were held by others, and indentured servants were still bound by the terms of their indentureship, so would not have been included in the will.  The Amos families are not the only ones in our families who held slaves, sadly, but we must face what was with what grace we can muster.  

William and Ann had seven or possibly eight children.  There were other Amos families in the area, probably related, and some of the same names are used over and over, so it is possible that one or more of these children are assigned to the wrong parents, although I am reasonably sure of the first six, anyway.  Some of the wives are not traced, but perhaps as I mention them, it will inspire someone to do a little more digging on those families.

Thomas was the first born son, in November of 1713. He lived his entire life in Harford County, which of course was Baltimore County until 1774.  Thomas died in 1763.  His wife was Elizabeth Day, the daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth Cox Day.  Their children are Thomas, Elizabeth, Nicholas, William, Mordecai, Bethia, Hannah, Christiana, and Harriott.  

Elizabeth, their only known daughter, was born in October of 1715.  It appears that she died in 1727, although some have her married to either a John or a Joseph England.  It looks to me, barring further information, that these supposed marriages are not our Elizabeth.

William was born in March of 1718 and died in 1814. He first married Hannah McComas, the daughter of William and Hannah (possibly Dever or Dover) McComas.  Their children are Ann, Hannah, Mauldin, William, Elizabeth, Martha, Eleanor, Priscilla, Mary, and James.  After Hannah's death, he married Martha Wylie, the daughter of Luke Wiley.  Their children are Luke, Nancy, and Benjamin.  William is an interesting person.  He was an Anglican (sometimes referred to as a pastor but I'm not sure about that), an served in the militia until he apparently had a change of heart and became a Quaker, probably even a Quaker leader.  

James was born in 1721 and died sometime between 1797 (date of will) and 1805, which may be when the will was probated.  He first married Hannah Clark, the daughter of Robert and Selina Smith Clark.  Their children are Robert, Elizabeth, William, James, Benjamin, Mordecai and Joshua.  I have also seen David and Mary listed as their children but I am less sure about those two names.  I'll be following this line in my next post.  His second marriage was to Elizabeth Carlisle Standiford, the daughter of William and Anne Croxton Standiford.  She had eleven children from her first marriage, some of whom were likely on their own by the time she married James in 1778.  James and Elizabeth had no children together.

Benjamin was born in 1724 and married Sarah Lyon, the daughter of Samuel and Sarah Harrisson Lyon.  Their children are Benjamin, John, Elijah, Ann, Susanna, Elizabeth and Zachariah.  Benjamin died before May 29, 1775.

Joshua was born October 25, 1725 and died in 1779.  He married Martha Bradford, the daughter of William and Elizabeth Lightbody Bradford.  His son William was born before the wedding, but is listed as being the child of Joshua and Martha.  Their children born after the marriage are Elizabeth, Mordecai, George, Frederick, Martha, Cassandra, and John.  Joshua served in the Revolutionary War.

Mordecai was born February 7, 1727 and died October 10, 1788.  He married Mary Scott, the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Whitaker Scott.  Their children are Mordecai, James, Aquilla, Thomas, and William.  We have another line to this Scott couple; perhaps I will be able to write about them some day.

There may or may not have been a final son, John, born in 1729.  He is not mentioned in his father's will, nor in any documents that I have found, and various trees give a death date of 1732 or 1733.

While not ignoring the blot of slaveholding in this family, we can be proud of them.  They were apparently of some degree of wealth and education, and several served their country as they were needed.  They lived different lives than our New England ancestors, and their accomplishments are to be commended.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The family of William H Withers 1872-1936

 This will be the last post in the short line of the Withers family.  I am still not close to determining the identity of Joseph Withers, the first ancestor I can prove in Pennsylvania.  He had a son William, who married Barbara Cook in Whitley County, Indiana, and William had a son, William, who married Della Kemery, the daughter of Adam and Nancy or Fannie Buchtel Kemery.  

William was born in 1872 and died in 1936 in Whitley County, Indiana. His wife, Della, was born in 1882 and died in 1969, also in Whitley County.  Della is remembered by at least one of her great grandchildren, who recalls that her apartment always smelled of mint.  That was the crop they raised, after the onion market went south.  

William and Della had two known children.  Goldie was born in 1901 and died in 1983 in Andrews, Huntington County, Indiana.  She was married twice. Her first marriage was to Adrian Hawn, the son of Marion and Isabella Bentz Hawn. Adrian served in World War I.  The marriage ran into difficulties and the couple divorced, while Goldie was pregnant with their son Paul.  She married Grover Harshbarger in 1924 and they had one child together, Cleveland.  

Susan, usually seen as Sue or Susie, was born in 1898 and died in 1981.  Her first marriage was to Ward Yant, the son of William and Mary Prosser Yant.  Their children are Ruth, Floyd, and Frederick.  Clarence Yant is sometimes shown as their son, but he was the child of Ward's first marriage.  Sue raised him as her own, but he was a step son.  Warn died in 1941 as a result of septicemia, and Sue then married Charles Mallock, the son of William and Carrie Parrott Mallock. He was also a World War I veteran, and had lived a life of some adventure in the Dakotas.  There were no children born to this marriage.

This gives William and Della a total of five grandchildren, and more great grandchildren, several of whom have grandchildren of their own.  I think they might be pleased with their descendants, who have served in the military and otherwise contributed to their communities.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The family of William A Withers 1840-1912

 Today we're looking at the family of William A Withers, born April 2, 1840 in Richland County, Ohio and died in 1912 in Whitley County, Indiana.  He is the son of Joseph and Mary Gearhart Withers, and a Civil War veteran, having served over three years in some of the most renowned battles of 1862-1864, as a drayman and then an ambulance driver.  His marriage was to Barbara Ellen Cook the daughter of William and Elizabeth Brown Cook, in Whitley County, after the Civil War.  William and Barbara had four known children.  

Wilson was the first born, in 1868.  He died in 1897, before his 29th birthday.  His wife was Catherine Wolfe, the daughter of John and Catherine Eberhard Wolf.  (I'd often wondered, in researching the Whitley County families, if there were connections to the Eberhard family.  Yes, there are.) 

Willie was born next, in 1871. Sadly, that is all the information I can locate about him.  He was apparently deceased by the 1880 census.

William H was born in 1872 and died in 1936.  He married Della Clyde Kemery, the daughter of Adam and Nancy or Fannie Bechtel Kemery.  They had two children, Susan and Goldie.  I will follow this family, briefly, in my next blog post.

Finally, there was Della, born in 1877 and died in 1942.  She married Henry Keiser, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth, known as Bertha, Sell Keiser.  They had two children, Herbert and Archie.

All of these children were born in and died in Whitley County, Indiana.  It is refreshing to find a family that stayed put, for at least two generations!  Unfortunately, they did not leave many records other than census records, but at least we have this much information about one of the hard working families of the time.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Harshbarger line: The Joseph Withers family

This is one of the most challenging lines in the Harshbarger family, because the earliest known family head, Joseph Withers, was born in 1804 in Pennsylvania, and so far has not been traced back any further.  There are quite a few trees giving him a birth in England, and a death in England.  I am not at all sure that this is the same Joseph Withers, although I am not totally ruling it out.  But if the birth date and location would happen to be accurate, why is there no parent listed.  Would his birth record, if there is one, not show that?  I have a hunch, which may be totally off the wall, that he somehow belongs in the line of Augustine Withers, whose family line is German.  But proof is lacking, so for now he can perhaps be assumed to have dropped from a space ship into Pennsylvania, which is where the 1850 census shows that he was born.  

His wife, Mary Gearhart, is equally mysterious.  The first record I can find of her, or for that matter, for Joseph, is their 1832 marriage in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.  And the mysteries continue.  We know that the family went to Ohio by 1840, when son William was born in Knox County.  We know the names of their children, or at least of their surviving children, from the 1850 census.  But as the family grew up, the children moved on-some apparently back to Ohio (the 1850 census was in Marion, Iowa), some to Allen and Whitley County, Indiana, and some possibly to Missouri.  Others, I am not at all sure about. This is what I think I know:

Joseph and Mary's first child was a daughter, Sarah Jane.  She was born in October of 1833 and died in 1913 in Newark, Licking, Ohio. She married Robert Mills, who may be the son of Robert Mills of Belmont County, Ohio.  Their children are John, Mary, Charles, Catherine, James, Anna or Annabel, Jane, and Harry.  There is a possibility that William and Edward are also their children, but I have not seen their names on a census.

John was the first son, and because of naming patterns, there may be a John in Joseph's family tree, either a father or a grandfather.  He was born about 1836 but I haven't located a death date or location; the last place I can state that he lived was in Whitley County, Indiana in 1880, and then possibly in 1886 in Huntington County.  His wife was Linna or Lena Roberts, who died in 1885.  There is a marriage record for John Withers and Marie Roberts in Huntington County, Indiana, in 1886, and I'm not positive that this is our John Withers.  I don't know whether the two Roberts' women are related, as I can't find information about Lena.  Lena, however, was the mother of John's children, who included Anna, Cleason, Lloyd, Mary, Elza, William, Charles, and Franklin.

Samuel was the next child, born about 1838 in Ohio.  I think he is the Samuel Withers found in 1860 in Perry, Richland County, Ohio, but after that the trail is cold.  There are marriage records and Civil War records for a couple of men by that name in Ohio but I'm not ready to say that either of these men is our Samuel.

William was born in 1840 and died in 1912 in Whitley County, Indiana.  He married Barbara Cook, the daughter of William and Elizabeth Brown Cook.  Their children are Wilson, Willie, William, and Della (why not Willa, I wonder?).  I will follow this family in my next blog post.  

Andrew was born about 1842, although some give him a birth date of 1839.  He was married twice, first to Mary Milburn.  Their children are Christopher and Sarah.  His second wife was Sarah Jane Eggbury.  I have not been able to trace either of the wives yet.  Andrew and Sarah's chldren are Mary, Louise, Fannie, Oscar, John, and William.  Andrew served on the Union side in the Civil War, and I would love to trace his service records.  

Mary Ann was born about 1842.  She married twice, first to William Oberlin, son of William and Susanna Gallagher Oberlin.  Their children are Cora, Amy, Hettie, Sarah, and Ida.  Apparently there was a divorce, because William lived until 1921 and in 1978 she married John Hooten, a Civil War veteran.  She had at least one child with him, George, and they moved to Texas. I have not located a death date for her, but it was after the census in 1900.  She may have married again, to a James Garrison, but I am not sure this is the same person.

Joseph was born in 1844 and that is all I know about him.  He is in the 1850 census but I can't find him after that.  Perhaps he died young.

Finally, there is Eliza, born in 1849.  She is yet another mystery.  I have seen several names listed as husbands for her but none make sense, geographically or time wise.  So at the moment, she also goes on our list of unsolved mysteries.

Once again, it is hard to accept that so many people born not so very long ago, at least in a family historian's view, left such few records.  I guess it's another case of the glass being only half full.  But I'm grateful for that half!