Thursday, March 6, 2025

Beeks line: The family of James Moon 1639-1713

 I am bravely and foolishly starting here to collect the somewhat limited information we have about the Moon family, which I will be writing about for several weeks.  We know a little about James and his wife Joan, who came to Pennsylvania in the 1680s and settled in Bucks County.  Many believe that James's parents are Edmund and Catherine King Burgess, and that Joan is the daughter of Samuel and Eleanor Peers (various spellings).  Others assign different parents to James, and others yet believe that Samuel Burgess is more likely a brother than a father to Joan.  As far as I can tell, there is not a good paper trail to prove or disprove any of these ideas.  

James and Joan are thought to have married in about 1665, but I don't know if they were of the Quaker belief at the point, or not.  They seem to have been a member of the Society of Friends in Bucks County, where they settled, and some, probably most, of their children remained Quakers in good standing.  Once again, the same names were used over and over in the family and it is not easy to determine which "James" or "John" or "Simon" or "Mary", for instance, we are talking about.  So with the caution that some of these families may be confused, or intermingled, or otherwise identified wrongly, here's what seems to be the outline of their children.

There may have been a daughter, Sarah, born in 1667, or in 1673.  She is reported to have died in Bucks County in 1725, but I've found no record of the birth or the death.  I do not know whether she married and had children.  Most trees don't mention her so this may be a case of mistaken identity.

James was born in 1668 and died in 1755 in Falls Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.  He married Mary Wilsford, thought but not proven to be the daughter of John and Alice Towle Wilsford.  Their children are John, Simon, and Thomas, and possibly Sarah.  After Mary died, he married Agnes Priestly, the daughter of John and Agnes (maiden name unknown) Priestly.  They had a son, John.  Other lists include the names of James, Jacob, Joseph, Martha, Roger, Sarah, and Thomas.  I am not convinced but am mentioning this possibility in case someone has information to verify this and is willing to share it.  I'll follow this family in my next blog post.

Jonas was born in 1671 and died in December 1732 in Bucks County.  He married Alice "Chissum" or Chisom, the daughter of Robert and Margaret Scott Chisom. They had at least two children, Sarah and Alice.  

Jasper was born about 1675 and died in 1728 in (take your pick) Burlington, New Jersey; Bucks County, Pennsylvania, or Randolph County, North Carolina.  I can't tie any of the death locations given to this Jasper with any degree of certainty.  His wife's name may have been Susannah, and his children are Jasper, Simon, and Joseph.

Mary is a mystery.  She was born about 1676, and married a man by the name of Curtis, possibly Joseph Curtis.  She had at least one daughter, Sarah.  That is all that I've been able to locate for her.  

The last known child is Roger.  He was born about 1680 and died in 1759 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.  He was married twice.  His first wife was Ann Nutt, the daughter of Jonathan and Ann Waite Nutt.  Their children are Elizabeth, James, John, Elizabeth again, Roger, Isaac, William, and Ann.  After Ann died, he married Elizabeth Price, the daughter of Reese and Mary (maiden name unknown) Price.  They also had a large family, including, John, Mary, Sarah, Timothy, Samuel, Hannah, and Jasper.  

I would of course like to know more about this family, particularly the year of their immigration, and whether they had friends or relatives who had gone ahead of them.  I'd like to know the missing information for the children, and whether Sarah belongs to this family, and whether we've missed some of James's grandchildren.  But it is interesting to think of this Quaker family, settling down in very early Pennsylvania days, and raising a family in what would have been a strange land.  I'm glad they arrived!

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