Thursday, August 8, 2024

The family of John Beeks 1809-1872

We are in for another mystery tour of another Beeks ancestor.  I can identify only two of his children "for certain", and I'm not at all sure about the name of one of those two.  But here is what I think I know as of this point.  

John was born about October, 1809, in or near Staunton, Augusta County, Virginia.  His parents are William and Mary Elizabeth Nimerick Beeks.  He married Mary, known as Polly, Carter in 1830 in Greene County, Ohio.  Her father or relative may be John Carter, who lived in Xenia, Greene County in the 1830 census (taken before John and Polly married) with two females that would have been of marriageable age at that time.  This is not proof, and I'm still looking for proof of the relationship, if any, between John and Mary/Polly.  I haven't located John in the 1840 census, but by 1850 he was in Wabash County, Indiana, with his wife Polly, and son William and daughter Tacy.  He died in 1872 in Lagro, Wabash County, Indiana.

William was their first born child, in 1832.  Some trees show him as William Duane, but I've found no proof that he had this middle name, and there is a William Duane Beeks in Clinton County, Ohio, who was a Civil War veteran.  Our William was a Civil War veteran, also, but for just a few months in 1865.  There were two different William Beeks and we need to keep our eyes on our man.  He was married at least twice.  There was a William Beeks who married a Vellona Moore in 1855 but I'm not sure this is his marriage.  He did marry Fanny/Francis Dils, the daughter of Isaac and Mary (unknown) Dils in 1858.  They had two children, Elias and Isaac.  Francis died soon after Isaac was born.  William then married Mary Wise, the daughter of Jackson and Charity Bodkin Wise.  Their children are Jackson, Charity, John, George, Rachel, Martin, and Sarah.  I will follow William's family in my next post.  

Tacy is the other child I can identify through census and other records.  She married Martin Willis, the son of Fielding and Margaret Crider Willis.  The only child I can identify for this couple is Ida. She died in 1900 in Lagro, Wabash County, Ohio.  

Here is what is confusing about Tacy, or her possible other siblings.  She may have had a sibling, possibly a twin, identified as a male, named Casey.  There is a listing by that name in the 1860 census.  There is also no Tacy in 1860, nor, actually, is there in 1850.  There she shows up as "Lucy".  And she is listed on Find a Grave as "Macy".  I am leaning toward the idea that these are all one and the same, and I am not actually sure what name she answered to.  

There is a "P Beeks" listed in the 1870 census, whom several trees have identified as being Polly Beeks.  I don't know if this identification is correct and I can find no information about a Polly Beeks.

The final mystery is that in 1850, a three year old child named Anna Meadows was living in the John Beeks household.  I cannot identify her, nor can I locate her in a later census.  She may be a niece of either John or Mary/Polly, but that is speculation.  

So even someone who died a little over 150 years ago, and who is buried just a few miles from our home managed to keep some family secrets.  Unless, of course, there is someone out there who knows more than I do at this point?  If you do, please contact me! 



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