Monday, May 17, 2021

Holbrook line: Abraham Harding 1656-1694

Although it's not clear where Abraham was born, it was likely either Swansea, Massachusetts or Providence, Rhode Island.  At the time, 1656, the two areas adjoined.  His parents were Stephen and Bridget Estance (Esten) Harding (Hardin, etc.) and Abraham was the middle child in their family of seven children.  

We really know very little of Abraham's life.  He was a blacksmith by trade, like his father before him, and he lived at "Providence Plantation" for most if not all of his life.  He married Deborah Gardner (Gardiner) by 1677, when the first of their 7 children were born.  Deborah was the daughter of Stephen Gardner.  Her mother is given as Elizabeth Layton, but I've not found documentation for that.  Deborah was about 4 years younger than Abraham.

We don't know what part Abraham may have had in King Philip's War.  He was certainly of the right age to have taken part in it, and the area was the scene of several major battles of the war.  It seems likely that he would have been involved.  We're also not sure what Deborah did during the war.  Most Providence people left town, and most homes in Providence were burned.  I've seen several references to "Major" Abraham Harding but this title may belong to his grandson rather than to our Abraham, as it appears to be attached to Revolutionary War activities.  

Abraham and Deborah may have gone to Newport either during or after the war, because there is reference to Abraham Harding of Newport as the beneficiary of his brother Stephen in 1680.  He also received lands and a dwelling from his parents in 1693, so he wasn't a dirt poor blacksmith, anyway.

The Hardings had seven children before Abraham's premature death ion November 23, 1694.  We don't know the cause of death.  He may have died without a will, but there is record that an inventory was taken.  Deborah requested to be administrator of his estate, but the town council did not approve her request until after she married Moses Bartlett, who was made co-administrator.  Deborah is believed to have died after 1720.

There's a lot we don't know about Abraham.  Was he a Baptist?  Many of those who lived in Newport were, but we're not sure that the Hardings lived in Newport for long.  What military service did he have?  Was he a major, or did that honor belong to one of his descendants?   I would like to see his inventory, for that would surely give us some answers-and likely, more questions.

The line of descent is

Abraham Harding-Deborah Gardner

Mercy Harding-Samuel Winsor

Joseph Winsor-Deborah Mathewson

Lillis Winsor-Nathan Paine

Deborah Paine-Enos Eddy

Joseph Eddy-Susan Lamphire

Susan Eddy-Hiram Stanard

Louis Stanard-Mary Alice Hetrick

Etta Stanard-Loren Holbrook

Gladys Holbrook-Richard Allen

Their descendants


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