I had hoped by this point in time for this family that there would be few if any unsolved mysteries, and better documentation, than I am finding. Some lines seem well-documented, but some seem to be highly questionable. However, in researching this I did learn that there is a good likelihood that after Simon left Bucks County, Pennsylvania, he likely traveled south and spent time in the Orange County, North Carolina area in the 1730s before settling in Frederick County, Virginia (what is now Berkeley County, West Virginia). Some of his family seems to have stayed, or returned, to North Carolina, some headed even farther south, to Georgia, and some went west, to Ohio.
Simon the son of James and Mary (probably Wilsford) Moon was born about 1700 and died about November, 1748 in Frederick County, Va./Berkeley County, WV. He married Lauretha (Louretha, Lowry, other spellings) Humphrey, the daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth Lowry Humphrey, in 1721 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the couple maintained their Quaker religion throughout their marriage. For the record, the area that they settled in, part of the Shenandoah Valley, was beautiful but was not supposed to be open to settlers. Several indigenous tribes used the area, and King George III later tried to force all white settlers to the east side of the Appalachian mountains. It didn't work.
There are various lists for the children of Simon and Lauretha, with varying dates and locations. Some were born in Bucks County, some in North Carolina, and, if we are to believe this is the same family, some in Chester County, Pennsylvania. So, it is possible that some of the children I'm naming do not really belong to this couple, and it's also possible that I've missed some.
Anna seems to have been the first child born, in 1722. She married Henry Bowen, the son of Henry and Jane Carter Bowen, who are Beeks ancestors in another line. Anna died in 1789 at "Apple Pie Ridge, Virginia", which seems to be near Winchester, Virginia. Henry and Anna's children are Mary, Hannah, Priscilla, Rees, Margaret, Jean, Nancy, John, Henry, and Jacob.
Richard may have been born next, about 1724. He died in 1795 at Shoulderbone Creek, Greene County, Georgia, near where a treaty with the Creek indigenous people had been signed 9 years earlier. He must had led an interesting life, after having been disowned by the Quakers in 1748. (One could hope his parents did not know about this.) He married Susanna Brown, the daughter of Thomas and Ruth Large Brown. Their children are Simon, Richard, Mary, Lowry, Susannah, Hannah, Rachel, and Margaret.
James was probably born about 1726 and died in 1798 in Chatham County, North Carolina. He married Anne Mendenhall, the daughter of John and Martha Wright Mendenhall. Their children are Lurana, John, Charity, Jacob, Hannah, Rachel, Thomas, and James.
Hannah was born in 1728 and died in 1789 in Frederick County, Virginia/Berkeley County, West Virginia. She married William Brown, the son of Thomas and Ruth Large Brown, and thus he was Susanna's (see above) brother. Their children are Thomas, Samuel, William, Rachel, Hannah, Richard, Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth, Ebenezer, Ann, Joseph, Joel, and Deborah.
Margaret's birth date is given as "about 1728". Either she was born late in the year, or the date is wrong. Perhaps her birth occurred closer to 1730. She married Thomas Brown, also the son of Thomas and Ruth Large Brown. It is said that they had 13 children but I've located only 11 names as of now. They are Joseph, Elizabeth, William, Thomas, Jacob, Samuel, Richard, Ruth, Moses, Rachel, and Jean. Margaret died in 1799 in Orange County, North Carolina. Some sites show that she died in 1838, but I think that's a case of mistaken identity. I could be wrong about that.
I'm not sure when Jacob was born. I've seen 1732 as a date but if that is accurate, he was just 16 years old when he married Jane Rees, the daughter of Thomas and Margaret Bowen Rees. (Margaret is a descendant of Henry and Jane Carter Bowen, who are the parents of Henry who married Anna Moon). Their children are Jacob, James, Thomas, Simon, Nancy, Mary, and Margaret. Jacob died in 1804 near Arden in what is now Berkeley County, West Virginia. I will follow this family in my next blog post.
Rachel was born January 10, 1732/33 in Deep River, Guilford County, North Carolina. She married Henry Thornburgh, son of Walter and Margaret Beeson Thornburgh. and died in 1804 in Lost Creek, Tennessee. Their children are Margaret, Hannah, Walter, Mary, Richard, Jane, Ann, Henry, Louretha, Charity, Sophia, Richard, a second Hannah, Jessie, and Jonathan.
Mary was born in 1733 in North Carolina and is believed to have died in 1750, although I have seen a death date as late as 1804. I've found no documentation for either of these dates.
Malachi was mentioned in his father's will> He was born about 1738 in Deep River, Guilford County, North Carolina and is seen in a census in 1782. That is as much as I know about him.
Then there are two mysteries. Simon may have had a son John or Jonathan. However, he was supposedly born in 1717, 4 years before the marriage of Simon and Lauretha. Simon would have been only about 17 at the time, so if there is a son John, I am not convinced it was the 1717 one. I have also seen a Susanna mentioned as Simon's child, but find nothing to support that. I am mentioning these two names in the hopes that someone has additional information that will prove or disprove them as children of Simon and Lauretha.
I would love to have the time to research the many (over 70, if this listing is correct and complete) grandchildren of Simon and Lauretha. They lived in interesting times. Some of them likely served in the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, and the later wars against the Creeks and the Cherokees that continued after the Revolutionary War had ended. It would be interesting to know how many of these families stayed in the Quaker faith, and how they responded to the call to war.